Nominee Director Deed
In the context of registering companies, a deed of indemnity might represent an agreement for a nominee director, secretary or shareholder to act for a particular company. The document is drawn up between the persons supplying the nominees and the individuals who wish to use their services.
Seed Legal Document Assist
Seed Legal Document Assist is our way of giving you comfort with the documents you purchase through our website. In other words, if you have difficulty in understanding any of the clauses in the purchased document we will guide you.
Our Document Assist is limited to guidance and explanations only. Therefore, if you require additional drafting assistance, then that will be a separate engagement with Seed Legal and you will be solely responsible for any associated fees.
Seed Legal Document Assist is valid for a period of 30 days from the date of purchase of the Document.
Document Customisation
The documents are prepared for general use only and you have to manually insert relevant details (no document automation). However, if you require specific inclusion within the documents then you may contact us for Document Customisation Service. Contact us to discuss your document requirements on a fixed fee basis, giving comfort for no hidden charges.
Seed Legal provides cost-effective legal services to businesses & individuals located in the North Shore and Northern Beaches of Sydney Australia.
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